Tom Didier spoke with Kayla Blakeslee on WOWO’s Fort Wayne Morning News today to update her on the recent decision by the Fort Wayne City Council to repeal term limits on board members appointed by the council. You can listen to the full interview below
Didier explains in the interview that his support for term limits for council appointments was contingent on the same standards being applied to appointments made by the mayor. The argument that Mayor Henry made when vetoing the city council’s effort to apply term limits to his board appointments was that it violated the separation of powers principle. Without a level playing field, it is impossible for the city council board member appointments to serve as effective representatives when the mayor’s appointments are not subject to the same term limits and undermines that very same principle.
Getting more people involved in Fort Wayne’s city government is a big part of Didier’s campaign to be Fort Wayne’s next mayor. He wants to be sure city council has the most effective tools available to them in order to represent the interests of their citizens and that the mayor collaborates with the council to be sure citizens’ voices are heard. If we are going to move Fort Wayne forward together, more voices need to be involved in how we govern our city.
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